Gary Schoener, M.Eq.,LP, Director of Consultation & Training at Walk-In Counseling Center, is presenting a virtual workshop: Advanced Clinical Supervision: Ethical and Practice Challenges, a one-day clinic on June 24. Six ethics CEUs are available. There is a discount for registering by May 20. To register, use this link: About the training: The COVID-19 pandemic… continue reading

Gary Schoener, MEq, LP, will present a training on boundaries and ethics for mental health professionals on Thursday, Dec. 3, from 4-6 pm. on Zoom. (2 CEUs). Walk-In current and former volunteers may attend for free by contacting All others pay $20. Register for Boundaries and Ethics 2020 here.

During clinic hours, call 312-626-6799 and enter meeting ID 458-270-804#. If you would like to join by computer, visit For full instructions, visit
Spurred by the pandemic, a new phone support line, staffed by volunteer mental health professionals, is now open from 9 am to 9 pm daily until Nov 30, says Trisha Stark, who is helping to organize the line for the Minnesota Psychological Association (MPA) and its partners. Volunteers are mental health professionals who take one… continue reading
Due to the COVID-19 virus, walk-in clinics in Minneapolis, Family Tree and Neighborhood House in St. Paul have moved to a Zoom enabled online computer or phone application. We will not be able to provide face-to-face walk-in services. BY PHONETo attend any clinic by phone, call one of these numbers. If you get a busy… continue reading
Walk-In Counseling center will hold a training on ethics and boundaries (2 CEUs) on Thursday, Dec. 12, from 6-8 pm at Mount Olive Lutheran Church, 3045 Chicago Ave., Minneapolis. The training is free for all current and former Walk-In volunteers and open to all for a nominal fee ($20, or $10 for students, payable at… continue reading

Walk-In board member Mirza Baig, MD, will be conducting a training for mental health professionals on mindfulness on Tuesday, Feb. 18 from 6-8 p.m. The training is open to the public for a nominal fee. (Walk-In current and former volunteers may attend for free.) Description: Mindfulness has been the buzzword in some circles for years… continue reading

Mental health services are becoming less and less accessible in Minnesota, especially for uninsured and low-income people. Walk-In is the only place where clients can get free, no-appointment, anonymous counseling services. But how much is known about Walk-In in the mental health community, and where do clients go when Walk-In isn’t open? This summer, we… continue reading

It’s difficult to know what to say to people who arrive late in our clinic hours, say they come at 2:50 and clinic closes at 3.Let’s NOT say we can’t see them! Here’s an attempt at further clarification. At Walk-In, clients always come first. And how long to see them is really up to the counselor and his/her… continue reading
As we start the new term, here are a few reminders to help make the term go well: 1. Always open emails from Wall-In and reply back! 2. For the most updated scheduled and volunteer contact list, please log on to the Walk-In private site for the latest version. Let Pang know if you need… continue reading