Join us on Zoom from 3-5 pm for “Incorporating Multicultural Components into Assessment and Therapy.” 2 CEUs available. Registration is open at

“Helping Clients Manage Anxiety,” (2 CEUs, $20), a training for mental health professionals, was presented by Christopher Vye, PhD., L.P., Chair, Graduate School of Professional Psychology, University of St. Thomas, on March 25. Many thanks to Prof. Vye! About the Presenter: Dr. Christopher (Chris) Vye speaks frequently to professional audiences about the assessment and treatment… continue reading

Gary Schoener, MEq, LP, will present a training on boundaries and ethics for mental health professionals on Thursday, Dec. 3, from 4-6 pm. on Zoom. (2 CEUs). Walk-In current and former volunteers may attend for free by contacting All others pay $20. Register for Boundaries and Ethics 2020 here.