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If you are a mental health professional, mark your calendar for a training on how to integrate mindfulness into your work. The training will be on Tuesday, Sept. 14, 2021 from 3-5 pm on Zoom. If you haven’t been a Walk-In volunteer, register for $20 by clicking here.Current and former Walk-In volunteers may register for… continue reading

Volunteers who are considering retirement and giving up their practice licenses, can continue to volunteer if they are willing to get a different type of Minnesota license. In psychology, there is now a Licensed Psychologist Volunteer (LP-V) license permitting (only) volunteer work. It costs one half of the regular license fee, so currently it is $250… continue reading

What a year! In our 52nd year of operation, Walk-In moved our free counseling services entirely to phone and on-line at the onset of the pandemic in March 2020. Our community experienced much mental health and economic pain during the year.You saw us through. Thank you. Click here to read the 2020 annual report.

When Kay Bochert discovered Walk-In Counseling Center, it was the early 80s, and she was a freshly minted social worker with a master’s degree. She was invited to join a private practice, but she declined. “I wanted to be in the community.” She found Walk-In Counseling Center and applied to volunteer there, providing free counseling services… continue reading

This is what I (Mary) wrote on April 19 for our e-newsletter:With the world watching Minneapolis during the Chauvin trial, and the tragedy and unrest of the past week, our community is dealing with tremendous disruption, grief and fear.Some are finding a listening ear — and hope — by contacting Walk-In by phone or video… continue reading

“Helping Clients Manage Anxiety,” (2 CEUs, $20), a training for mental health professionals, was presented by Christopher Vye, PhD., L.P., Chair, Graduate School of Professional Psychology, University of St. Thomas, on March 25. Many thanks to Prof. Vye! About the Presenter: Dr. Christopher (Chris) Vye speaks frequently to professional audiences about the assessment and treatment… continue reading

Watch this video for tips on how to avoid being victimized by COVID-19 vaccine scammers.

Sometimes a social worker can change your life. Walk-In volunteer Peter D. has a story about that. Peter had recently returned from the Vietnam, where he was deployed in Saigon to apply his Army training in preventive medicine. “We were making sure the water was safe to drink, that we had an impossible job of… continue reading

Walk-In Counseling Center has won the 2020 Trisha A. Stark Community Involvement Award from the Minnesota Psychological Association. The award is for “significant contribution to the community” through the involvement of psychologist volunteers to “improve mental health of individuals or the community at large.” “We are thrilled and honored to be recognized this way,” said… continue reading

When Trisha Stark, PhD LP, thinks of Walk-In, she thinks of community. Starting as a volunteer counselor in the 1980s, Trisha has been a supervisor, board member and all-around supporter of Walk-In. “Thinking back on my volunteer days, I really enjoyed the hours spent hanging out in the team room and the kitchen, the hub… continue reading