These are questions frequently asked about Walk-In Counseling Center:
Is counseling at Walk-In really free? Yes. Always. Every time. We don’t take insurance and we don’t having a sliding fee scale. Donations are happily accepted if that is possible for you.
Is it really anonymous? Yes. You do not need to provide your name (or real name). It is helpful if we have a name to use for our records system, so if you come back, we can look up your file. Just remember what name you used. Also, if you do not use your official name, it will be much more difficult for us to send your file information, AT YOUR REQUEST, to a third party (e.g., your attorney, a probation officer, etc.). But we can work with you when this poses a challenge.
Do I need an appointment? No. Just call or log in during clinic hours. (If you/your client needs counseling in Spanish, an appointment is needed. Please call 612 870-0565 x 2.)
What is the best time to come during clinics? Call or log in when the clinic begins, or about half way through (an hour after clinic begins). Everyone is seen on a first-come-first-served basis.
Do you provide counseling to couples and families? Yes, we provide services to individuals, couples and families.
Do you provide counseling for children and teens? Children under 15 receive counseling with a parent or guardian. Teens 15 and up may call or log in on their own without parental permission.
How long will the session with a counselor be? It depends on the reason for your visit and how busy the clinic is that day. Generally, sessions last anywhere from 20 minutes to an hour. When planning your visit, please remember the length of your session may be shorter if you arrive near clinic closing time.
Can I/we receive counseling more than once? Yes. You can call or log in to any walk-in clinic on any day, whether you’ve been to Walk-In before or not.
Is ongoing counseling available? Once you have met with a counselor at a regular clinic, you might decide that you would like to return for another session(s). Depending on the counselor’s availability, you can either make an appointment with that person, or ask that we find someone who can see you by appointment. We usually are able to set up additional sessions for clients who request them. However, these by-appointment sessions depend on the availability of our professional volunteers, and sometimes there is a bit of a wait. Regardless of whether you have an upcoming appointment, you are always welcome to call or log in to any regular clinic.
Do you take insurance? No. Our services are always free.
In what languages is counseling available? To see a Spanish-speaking counselor, it’s best to call for an appointment (612-870-0565 x 2) Services with Hmong interpreters are also available by appointment (612-870-0565 x3).
How is it possible that you provide this service for free? All of our services are provided by our dedicated professional volunteer clinicians. They have master and doctoral degrees in social work, psychology and marriage and family therapy or are advanced graduate students in these fields, so they are highly qualified mental health professionals. Our operating costs, such as administrative staff, supplies, heat, lights, etc., are supported through charitable giving from individuals and foundations.
Do you accept donations? Yes. All donations are tax-deductible. To donate, click here.