COUNSELING SERVICES ARE COMPLETELY FREE AND ANONYMOUS. Walk-In is a non-profit, non-religious organization, All of our professional counselors volunteer their time. Counseling is for individuals, couples, or families. No appointment (during clinics) or insurance is needed.
To download printable instructions, click on Download button.
CLINIC HOURS: Please come/call/login only during clinic hours.
M, W, F: 1:00p – 3:00p for both in-person and virtual (phone and login) services
M, T, W, Th: 5:30p – 7:30p virtual services only
*Walk-In will be closed on Monday, January 20th for the Martin Luther King Day holiday.
IN PERSON SERVICES: Come to 2421 Chicago Ave., Minneapolis on Monday, Wednesday or Friday from 1 – 3 pm.
BY PHONE: Call Zoom at 1-312-626-6799. When prompted, enter the meeting ID: 458-270-804.
ONE TAP MOBILE ON SMART CELL PHONES: To attend a clinic using the smart cell phone “one-tap mobile” button, click on this link and press the dial button on your phone:
+1 (312) 626-6799
When Zoom answers, it may ask for a meeting id (you won’t have one), so just wait until it asks you to simply press the # (number) button.
If the phone line is busy, try the phone numbers below. Try each phone number. Or, use landline phone-in instructions below.
+1 (929) 205-6099
+1 (301) 715-8592
+1 (346) 248-7799
+1 (669) 900-6833
+1 (253) 215-8782
Planning Your Visit
When planning your visit, please remember that the clinic is first-come, first-serve. The best times to arrive/call in are right at the start time, or one hour in (halfway through the two-hour clinic.) If you arrive near closing time, and all counselors are in session, we may recommend that you come to a later clinic. Please let the receptionist know if there is imminent danger involved in your situation. For answers to frequently asked questions, click here.
Services for Spanish Speakers
Services for Spanish speakers remain the same. The client can simply call our main number (612-870-0565), dial extension 2 and leave a message with the call-back phone number.
Counseling by Appointment
If you are interested in ongoing counseling, the first step is to see a counselor at a clinic. Ongoing counseling is arranged by request during the clinic.