Walk-In Counseling Center provides free, no-appointment-necessary, anonymous mental health counseling services to all comers. Our website provides additional information for our community and acts as a gateway to our virtual services by providing the Zoom link to our clinics and/or the instructions for doing so. In the spirit of our anonymous services, we don’t collect information about our website visitors. (Many websites have tracking software that tells Facebook and other entities that you have visited. We don’t do that.)
We also don’t retain any identifying information about anyone who uses our services, unless the client affirmatively chooses to share that information with their counselor. (Counseling confidentiality policy here. https://walkin.org/counseling-services/confidentiality-policies/)
If you provide your contact information on our website in order to receive news updates from us, or to make a donation, we keep your identity and contact information confidential and do not share or sell it to anyone. We don’t retain any payment or financial information, as we use third-party donation processors, Stripe, Vanco, and Paypal.
Stripe’s privacy policy can be found here (https://stripe.com/privacy-center/legal),
Vanco’s here (https://www.vancopayments.com/privacy) and
Paypal’s here (https://www.paypal.com/us/webapps/mpp/ua/privacy-full).