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Over the past 30 years, Mark L. has found a myriad of ways to support Walk-In Counseling Center. He began volunteering as a counselor in 1987, became a team consultant, went on to become a board member in the 90’s, and most recently has been creating ceramics, hosting a sale, and donating the proceeds to… continue reading

It may be cold outside, but we are still feeling the incredible warmth of the Holding Space concert Feb. 9 and 10 by VocalPoint Chorus! Thank you, thank you, for the outpouring of love and generosity that we felt there! To listen to some of the music shared by singer-songwriter Sara Thomsen, view the video… continue reading

In 1969, the social and political unrest of the day spurred a group of young psychologists to form Psychologists in Social Action through the University of Minnesota. A radical idea out of that group was to start a free mental health clinic with no red tape, meaning free, anonymous and no-appointment-needed during clinic hours. In… continue reading

To view our 2017 Annual Report, click on the above heading and then click on 2017 Annual Report.

Founded in 1969, clinic follows no-fee, anonymous model that has reached thousands.

During the month of May, all cash register round-up donations made at Seward Co-op were donated to Walk-In Counseling Center through the co-op SEED grant program. We are so grateful to to the co-op community for choosing Walk-In as a beneficiary of the SEED program! Walk-In provides provide free, no-appointment, anonymous mental health and crisis counseling… continue reading

(This format is being changed so that only upcoming workshops show up. Past workshops will stay in an archive.) The third quarter training topic is “Troubled Individuals in Troubled Relationships,” with presenter Michael Boroviak, LICSW. It will be held from 6-8 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 17, at the People Incorporated ballroom, 2120 Park Ave., Minneapolis. CEU… continue reading

Star Tribune, Dec. 1, 2016: Innovative Walk-In Counseling Center thriving after nearly 50 years MinnPost, Feb. 4, 2015: After 45 Years, Walk-In Counseling still offers free therapy to all comers MNSights, Spring 2014: Mental Health Issue: 16 High-Impact Nonprofits
MinnPost, Feb. 4, 2015: After 45 Years, Walk-In Counseling still offers free therapy to all comers